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06:37 Milo
Запись открыта: всем
I wanna kiss your shoulder before sleeping.
I am thinking about tattoos as marks of subcultures and different categories of people. I don't why I tell you that stuff.
I miss you. Every moment you're not with me I miss you. I know that in few days it will be over. I know that I must prevent myself from pain, sorrow, broken heart, but I... just can't. You know I never felt something like this before. It's like drugs, I can't control myself, can't make myself be rational. The only thing I want is just to see you. The only thing I can think about more than 5 seconds is you.
I never fell in love before you, now I see it. And now I know what means to be scared and to care.
I understand that you don't feel anything like i do. But it doesn't matter, I don't need it.
I want to spend these days looking at your face, touching you, smiling at you, seeing your smiling back, kissing you, trying to count your birthmarks, asking you will you marry me, talking about children. Talking about anything.
Trust me, you're not the part of experiment.
And shit I'm so sentimental.
Sorry me for such long letter. I want to go to your working place to kiss you, my sexxie Montenegro-boy.
And... I just want you to tell me everything you feel about me. But I know you won't.

комментариев пока что нет!
Редакция: (383) 347-86-84

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