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Et Dieu Crea la Femme

15:54 дилемма
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Молодые мужчины не знают, чего хотят. И это отвратительно.
Взрослые дядьки знают чего хотят. И это тоже отвратительно.
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12:12 красивые слова
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-Я устала идти по лестнице на каблуках! ((((
-Давай я тебя понесу!
-Ты готов на все ради меня?
-Мммм... Таких красивых слов мне давно не говорили!
-А что, некому?
-От преподов не дождешься...
-Ну, преподы - они не для того.
Короч, он готов катать меня на джипе и кормить пирогами-убийцами до конца моих дней.
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17:38 все против меня
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Братец нахимичил с компом. Флешка не читается. Думаю, ладно, сделаю часть на работе, запишу на диск. Дисковод не пашет, ничего не пишется. На дискету курсак не лезет... Распроклятье!!!!
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15:03 курсак
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Сижу, копаюсь в докладах Генсеков ООН, разбираю резолюции по Ближнему Востоку, всякие плины урегулирования, сочинения аналитиков... Оооо... По-моему, я не успеваю!
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13:17 МГИМО
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На банкомате в МГИМО видела табличку:
"Больше 30 тысяч банкомат не выдает".
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13:13 малолетки
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"Бедная девочка 16 лет! Ей было так хорошо со мной! Почему ее мама запретила нам встречаться!"
Ах ты, старый развратник!
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11:28 эссе мое
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Equality of rights is an essential principle of democracy. But as well as hundreds years ago women are suffering from discrimination almost in all the countries. This social phenomenon keeps safe through stereotypes, cultural and religious customs and conception that depreciate women’s creative abilities and achievements.
The great effort was undertaken to shed light on real woman status. Nowadays the world community has got shocking statistics about economic and social inequality of men and women. The overwhelming majority of the poor are women. What is more during 20 years, beginning from 1975, the number of woman referred to as the poor peasants increased by 50%. Women are the most part of illiterate. In 1970-1985 their number increased from 543 to 597 million. While women entered the labor market in unprecedented numbers, the gender discrimination remains. In Asia and Africa women work 13 hours per week longer then men, and female labor is mostly unpaid and underpaid. Globally a woman gets 30-40% lower wages than a man for the same job.
Аctual law of nations is based on the universal equality conception. The UN always declared that it is the must to guarantee equal female participation in all fields of political, civil, economic, social and cultural life and the international community is obliged to eliminate gender discrimination totally. This position became a basic point for a series of initiatives aimed at woman status improvement, taken by the UN institutions.
In 1946 ECOSOC established the Commission on the Status of Women. This institution prepares reports and recommendations on further women’s rights development in different fields, and also develops recommendations and offers concerning the most burning issues in the sphere of woman rights. In 1974 the Commission started working out the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women. In 1981 this Convention came into effect, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was set up. Its aim is to check-up how do the member countries put the statements of the Convention.
The Convention contains a detailed definition of gender discrimination understood as "...any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field”. Under the Convention it is impossible to eliminate the discrimination only by passing laws, neutral to the gender status. This document prescribes to give equal rights to women, and what is more to enable women to enjoy their rights.
In spite of all the efforts, women in modern societies are still suffering from violence. According to Amnesty International statistics every 15 seconds in USA a woman is beaten up by her husband. 42% of woman in Pakistan put up with family violence as a part of their routine life. During wars or political unrest the violence towards women becomes a real mass disaster.
Violation of women’s rights is more evident in those societies where poverty and ignorance are prevailing. But even women in developed countries are still discriminated in their families and at their jobs. There has been no breakthrough in women's involvement into a decision making processes. The «glass ceiling» phenomenon stops their advancement in business and politics. Women take up no more than 10-20% of management posts in the world, less than 5% world leaders are women.
However, in the nearest future we will witness the further emancipation of woman. This process will be promoted by feminization of higher education and elimination of stereotypes that a woman is no more than a mother and wife. The great moral effect would be provided by appearing the first woman at the position of United Nations Secretary-General.
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10:36 Винда
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Брат вчера нахимичил. Переустановил Винду, а CD глюкнулся, и установилось как попало. Полетели дрова для флешки. Теперь наш комп флешку в упор не видит.
Так я вчера ничего и не смогла сделать по учебе...
Где бы взять Винду нормальную???
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13:06 замечание
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Мне сегодня на занятии преподша сказала:
-Чего сидишь, улябаешься? Нефиг на моих парах улыбаться!
Ну привет! Сижу спокойно, никому не мешаю.
Это как кто-то из классиков сказал: "всяк да имеет сердце сокрушенно"? Или как у Петра Первого: "всяк подчиненный должен иметь вил бравый и придурковатый"?
У меня и с сердцем сокрушенным, и с придурковатым видом дела не ладятся.
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12:25 добилась
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Сам заведующий столовой приходил извиняться. Повара уволили. Ниче, я подписи-то все равно дособираю... На всякий пожарный. Ведь все он знает прекрасно, кто и него работает и как. И про гнилую гречку тоже знает, типа "а это сотрудники решили сэкономить"...

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